Saturday, January 24, 2009


This is kind of an iLike entry (Lord, even though I don't have an iPod or iPhone, Apple has still influenced my life too much). Because I've been thinking a lot lately about the things which make me very, very happy, as simple and mundane as they might be. Call it my cream-cololored-ponies-and-crisp-apple-streudels entry :)



Oh, cheese, I love thee. I love you like the moon loves the Earth, like that rich chick in Titanic loved the poor guy who died to save her, like star athletes love steroids. It's impossible to describe just how much I love you. I think I love you even more than my phone.

I mean it.

Queama Mahon Cheese from Spain

Beemster with Field Garlic (Dutch cheese)

Havarti cheese with herbs and spices (Danish cheese)

A nice cabernet with any of these cheeses will promise happiness for a few sweet shining moments.


I'm not gonna lie; I miss Gauloises cigarettes.


This teenage guy asked me the other day, I know I'm not old enough to ask, but how much are your beers?
Later, my favorite Italian customer: What means this word? He points at a pamphlett, his finger snuggling against the word "sigh." I show him, It's like {I put the back of my hand to my head and let out a heavy breath}
He says Ah! Sospiro! I say, Yes! Yes like the Mozart piece 'Voi Che Sapete' and sing Sospiro e gemo senza voler! He smiles.
Ebony shows me how to do my hair: Girl, don't you know what you're doing?


Men who take me to see the symphony. I like that.

* * * * *

Lucky Indian Ocean Dwellers!

Obama Loves Good Food

We Likey Him. 68% approval rating so far.

The Plan. Will it get Bipartisan support?

YouTube taking the Hulu route. They have to; they really don't have a choice.
New Poe Biography He would have been 200 years old January 19th.
Mr. Freud, Women Are Still A Total Mystery. This study on male/female sexuality is pretty fascinating. But still just goes to show neither sex seems to know what women want.
But Chivers, with plenty of self-doubting humor, told me that she hopes one day to develop a scientifically supported model to explain female sexual response, though she wrestles, for the moment, with the preliminary bits of perplexing evidence she has collected — with the question, first, of why women are aroused physiologically by such a wider range of stimuli than men. Are men simply more inhibited, more constrained by the bounds of culture?
...“The horrible reality of psychological research,” Chivers said, “is that you can’t pull apart the cultural from the biological.”
* * * * *
Listening to: Maria Taylor

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