Friday, November 28, 2008

I'm stupid.

Yes, it's official. I'm stupid. I took the Mensa workout test - which you can take here:

and it informed me of that which I have already known for some time now. I am stupid. I stopped using my brain and it has become even more squishy and spongy than before. (See, I just ended a sentence with a preposition! Proof that I have become stupid!) I had long suspected this, and said as much to my friend Roxane the other day. I just had that very strong feeling that my IQ has dropped several points. Maybe it had something to do with my five year relationship with a man who had the intelligence of Goofy (and kind of looked like him, too. hmm.)

Maybe it was my diet, or the fact that I stopped writing, or the fact that I kind of stopped doing anything and everything at all. A few weeks ago, a fortune cookie revealed to me: "Knowing and doing nothing is the same as not knowing at all." And that pretty much sums up the last few years of my life ... well, with the exception of graduating from college. Somehow, I managed that despite the drastic drop in my intelligence. I haven't taken an actual IQ test yet (Mensa doesn't provide a score), and I probably won't until I've sufficiently exercised my brain back to strength.

Which may take a while.

* * * * * * * * *

In other news, it turns out corrupt Iraqi officials have stolen 18 billion dollars - half of it our money (taxpayer cash) and, due to amnesty laws, there is absolutely NOTHING we can do about it.

WHY are we in Iraq again? Why did we go over there in the first place? It just seems to get worse and worse. Well, at least they've finally decided to pull the troops out by 2011. It might not happen, but at least we now have a number.

Meanwhile, 143 people are dead in India (and counting) as a result of the recent terrorist attacks; and no one knows yet who is responsible. Praying it's not Pakistan, because that would pretty much shatter India-Pakistan relations. God, Obama's got a lot on his plate.

* * * *

And in much, much lighter news (the kind of news I like because my underused brain gets to relax and be squishy), The Onion reports that drinking red wine allows you to tell your mother what you really think:

Study Finds Link Between Red Wine, Letting Mother Know What You Really Think

I love this line specifically:

"However, medical experts are quick to point out that red wine is not, in itself, sufficient to promote a healthy psyche. Similar positive effects have been found in other food and drink items, such as White Russians, vodka tonics, Canadian Club whisky with flat ginger ale, and anything served at a wedding."

Tonight I'll watch the Cole Porter musical Anything Goes with a glass of red wine, and I will call my mother in Colorado and tell her exactly what I think: That I adore her :)

p.s. Read this book, it's brilliant:

Listening to: Vast - Don't Take Your Love Away


pam said...

Well, I know I'm not going to take the Mensa test. I don't want to know!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to say, I don't think your brain can drop a few IQ points in a few years. And a few IQ points is actually a lot, given that IQ is measured relative to standard deviations from the mean.

It's not as if this is a test to remember facts. And exercising your brain won't increase your IQ, although it may make you familiar with the type of questions/thinking patterns on a Mensa exam.

Don't feel bad. IQ isn't really a measure of success in life. Diligience and ability to put off pleasurable activities to focus on the task at hand are important. Read the Brooks' article on genius recently published a few weeks ago in the NY Times.