Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hitler's Testicle(s?) and Other Stories

My brother gave me the most awesome, beautiful 'Best of 2008' collection (his own picks). I listened to it all day today and it was restorative, powerful, and it made me feel alive. I'm feeling lately like re-surfacing, but I also feel that I must not force anything right now. The time of healing is done, and it's time now to celebrate and to offer myself up to the universe. I'm really happy right now in my life, and serene. So much of my life has been a series of self-inflicted struggles, fighting against myself and fighting against the world, and fighting for the Wrong Things. I was very stressed in November, but the happy realization that came out of that was this: "I haven't felt stress in AGES! I forgot what this felt like!" I'm finally at peace. And here I was thinking that wouldn't happen until I was dead {awkward laughter fading into silence}

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Let's see ... what's happening today? Let me look in my crystal ball, and - oh no -

Say It Ain't So Jesse Jackson (Jr.) And it just has to originate in Illinois, doesn't it? As if Obama doesn't have a difficult enough job without having to answer to questions about this mess.

Did Hitler Have One Testicle? Because this is the question that keeps me up at night.

Vampire Myths Broken And here you thought it was only Twilight that mangled the genre.

I May Start Watching That Crap Gossip Girl Just For Wallace Shawn Inconceivable!!!

Lindsay Lohan, Leave Stevie Nicks Alone!!! You are Kali, Destroyer of Worlds. Just stop it already.

And for no good reason:

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oh, oh, oh - I just had to add this; it's too priceless!

"I don't believe there's any cloud that hangs over me. I think there's nothing but sunshine hanging over me."
Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, the day before his arrest

Reading: The Painted Veil
Listening to: Steve's awesome mix CD

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